Introducing…Merriman & Co!

Merriman & Company has been a dream for so, so long. One I thought might happen in the far distant future. I was comfortable. I was managing my real estate career, mom life, wife life, and all the other roles that women play fairly well.

Then COVID came around.

In my head I was thinking, “shit is about to hit the fan!” As the weeks went on though, my business was still thriving, the kids were miraculously being kept alive, and life was pretty good. Often, I’d pack the kids up for showings or closings. I’d slash through emails while the baby slept. I started to feel a little smug about it!

A little voice kept whispering in me ear. It’s time. If you can manage this, you can own your own company.


Even saying it out loud now give me the “holy shit” vibes. The universe kept sending signs that it was, in fact, go time.

When it got to the point that they were slapping me in the face, I had to start making moves. Starting a company is a ton of work. I assumed so, and I was not wrong. Business filings, business bank accounts, insurance, finding the perfect office, studying and passing required state exams, taxes, and so much more.

But every time I tackled one thing, I felt so accomplished!

It’s been a true labor of love. I feel so proud when I think about this company.

We are raising the bar in an industry that often gets a bad rap. We don’t take short cuts, we don’t half-ass anything, and we genuinely want to help you do amazing things. We’re so glad you’re here, and we are so, so excited to get to work with you!